Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

First night away

At almost 14 months old, KK spent her very first night away from both Daddy AND Mommy last night! Our wonderful friends, Geoff and Jill, offered to watch her at their house so we could attend a charity event. Since we would be out way past her bedtime, they said she could spend the night. They were also watching another little girl (almost 2 years old) who helped them out by following KK around telling her "No, no, KK!" when she was finding herself in trouble (turning the TV on and off, or chewing on their drink coasters for example). It was so funny and cute! When I dropped her off, she didn't even care that I was leaving...she was having so much fun! When we picked her up this morning, she was pretty exicted, but I think she could have stayed for an entire week and not really noticed our absence. She's such a big, independent girl! I did miss her, but I survived. It helped to know she was in such great hands...thank you Geoff and Jill!


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