Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Singin' and Dancin'

Since January, KK and I have been going to a music class every Friday morning. We get to sing, dance, bounce, and play with egg shakers, rythym sticks, scarves, and drums. Sometimes, our teacher Kelly (who KK adores) pulls out the parachute and the kids get to crawl or walk around underneath of it while the parents make it go "uuuup and dowwwn!" Of course they all think that is the greatest fun ever. Kelly runs a terrific program, and the classes eventually lead up to group pre-piano classes and then individual piano lessons. I hope Kendall stays interested.

And at lunch today, we hit the JACKPOT! Kendall ate five pieces of cantaloupe! Woohoo!!!!!!


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