Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Off to school! (aka: A Very Busy Day)

Today was the first day for KK to attend "real" daycare on a regular basis. She will only be going one day a week, and probably only for the next couple of months, so it isn't a huge change... but I do think it is an important milestone for us. She has actually gone to this center before on a drop-in basis (when I was taking exams or was helping Daddy in his office) so it wasn't an entirely new experience. She marched right into her classroom with no hesitation; she was ready to go!

Within minutes, they had her in a high chair trying new foods (a bagel with cream cheese!)
According to her teachers, Juniper and Janet, (that sounds like a cartoon on Nickelode*n!) KK was a joy to have in class and she was a darling little girl all day. She even napped for an hour and a half. In a room with other kids! While laying on a mat on the floor! Juniper and Janet must wear capes and carry magic wands as soon as the parents leave. : ) When I came back to pick her up, I peeked through the classroom window and she appeared to be doing great. They were getting ready to go outside, so I let her stay to play with her new friends while I got to know her teachers a little better. They told me that KK made a special little friend right off the bat, Caiden, and they played together most of the day. I think we'll be very happy at this center.

So what did I do with my "day off"? I came home and picked up the house, brought Daddy lunch, went to acupunture (I {heart} acupuncture!), made an appointment to have my brows waxed later this week (I do NOT {heart} brow waxing, but some things just must be done). I also worked on getting donations for KK's music school's online silent auction fundraiser happening next month. The school offers music classes and lessons to every family regardless of ability to pay and I think that is awesome. I was just elected to the board of directors for the school, and I'm very excited to be doing something new. I suck at asking people for things though, so today wasn't easy, but I did it anyway.

Next week I will start working on a temporary basis for the company I worked for before KK came along. I'm looking forward to the project and getting to spend a little time with my work friends!

Tonight we squeezed in a quick visit to a first birthday party for the little girl who just moved in across the street. We didn't stay long because tonight was also Mom's Night Out! The girls and I went to a great Thai restaurant and then to Cold Stone for ice cream. Yum!!!

A bit of bad news today is that my Grandma won't be coming out with my parents for Easter next weekend. She has some health issues, and the docs aren't allowing her to fly or be in the higher altitude. I am very sad, but of course her health is the number one priority. We love you Great Grandma G! We'll miss you next week, but we'll see you this summer at the family reunion! xoxo


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Hi Sharon, Lovely, lovely dispatch. Thanks! T

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

oopsie, looks like the mamapanda is currently signed in as the babypanda, thus the "Amanda" :-) T P.S. Something to look forward to when KK gets a little bigger, signing into the computer when you don't know about it. Solution: hide mouse.


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