Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Birthday BuddyBuddy!

Today our "first baby" turns five...that's 35 whole dog years! He's getting a bit white in the face, but he is as healthy and fit as a dog can be. Sometimes the vet wonders if he's even alive because his resting heart rate is so low. He can run 20 miles and still beg for more (no joke - he's been tested by marathoners-in-training). I wouldn't say he really likes KK, but he is extremely accepting and tolerant of her; he puts up with getting his tail tugged and being sat on every single day.
He still goes to doggy day care several times a week, so he doesn't have much to complain about. Here is my all-time favorite picture of him, taken during hunting season a few years ago by our friend Kevin. Buddy is bummed that hunting season is over, but September will be here before he knows it. Besides, he's been a bit distracted by a girlfriend lately. If all goes well, BB will be a proud papa in about 60 days since his girlfriend, Bailey, gave him quite the birthday present today (wink, wink). So, if you're interested in having a new member of your family that is tolerant and patient enough to let you do this:
or maybe even this:
then let me know. : ) Happy Birthday Mister Boston! We LOVE you!!!


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