Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


KK and Daddy have a new trick! Daddy will say "Give me knuckles, KK!" and she'll put her fist out, punch her knuckles against his, and then squeal and laugh like crazy. It's a cute little Daddy/Daughter handshake! They both have fun with it, and her laugh is contagious. This is such a fun age, she's learning new things every day and is always making us laugh. After our visit to the pumpkin patch petting zoo yesterday she can also say "Baaaa" like a sheep - and she even gives a "bumpy" sound to it! I wonder what she'll be doing tomorrow...

Today was also pretty, but in a colder and wetter sort of way. We got our first significant snowfall of the season. This is earlier than I ever remember getting snow here before...I have a feeling it is going to be a long winter. It did look pretty though - here is a scene from our back door:

Some other exciting news is that we had to bring BuddyBuddy back to the vet. While he was at Doggy Daycare (I know, I know) he thought it would be a good idea to take off his bandage, remove his own stitches, and then chew off the flap of skin that the emergency vet had tried to suture back onto his leg. Ouch! And gross! The vet said we just have to leave it alone now and let it heal as an open wound. Goofy dog.


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