Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Pretty day

Today was such a pretty day, we had to get outside and enjoy it. And what better way than to visit another pumpkin patch?! This one was nearby and didn't have an entrance fee, so I thought it would be a good way to spend a little time outside this morning. It didn't have as many activities as Harvest Farm, but it was PERFECT for the younger crowd. The pumpkin field was right at the entrance, so KK was able to toddle around and play with stuff she found on the ground. She also played in a haybale maze made especially for toddlers, pointed at all of the halloween decorations, and showed her bravery once again by petting farm animals. (This place didn't have chickens, thank goodness.)

This afternoon, we met with our playgroup at a park. This is the first time we took the kids outdoors rather than meeting in a living room. They are getting old enough now to spend more than a few minutes at a playground, although they were still all over the place - and KK was more interested in walking in a straight line AWAY from the playground rather than using any of the equipment. It was just nice to be outside...late this afternoon the weather took a turn and it's supposed to snow this week. I'm glad we took advantage of the weather while we could!


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