Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Do you ever wonder why you bother cleaning your house? I spent the day cleaning today. The entire day. Scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning and surfacing hardwood floors, doing laundry, etc. I'm not sure why I do these silly things. Especially the floors. As soon as BuddyBuddy even thinks he hears a package of string cheese being opened, the drool starts to flow. And if KK is eating anything, the drool really gets going. Of course she is all too happy to drop her food onto the floor so he can lap it up, leaving behind a layer of slime. *Sigh* Daddy was very helpful this morning and took KK and Buddy to the park while I cleaned. Just when the floors were clean and I thought all the laundry was done, this is what came walking back from the park.

(Her shadow looks like a Teletubby!)

I wish I could have seen her tumble into the mud puddle, but I also wish that my floors weren't muddy again already. Oh well!

Tomorrow I start the project at my old company, so at least I won't be cleaning. I think I'll spend the rest of the week baking and getting food ready for Easter and let the house be what it is: a very lived in and muddy home. : )


At 3:17 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

I agree, cleaning the floors is sort of a waste of time. Our big problem isn't mud, it's crackers!

Love the Teletubby shadow :)


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