Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Play Day

KK was invited to her friend, J's, Monday-morning-get-together with a few of his friends. KK and J have been friends since before they were born, and they are only a week apart in age. They had lots of fun playing at the playground! I managed to capture a few pictures of them together - but they really spent most of the time running around and going down slides. Fun, fun stuff! Thanks for inviting us to come and play, J and his Mommy! After the playground date, we went to a scrapbooking store and I managed to find the sheet of paper that I needed to finish the first page of KK's scrapbook (I ruined the only one I had left by printing K's name on it without a space). Of course I went in to buy one 79 cent piece of paper and came out with $50 worth of stuff I didn't need. (Don't tell Daddy!!!) Add THAT store to the OFF-LIMITS list!!!!

We also had our regular playgroup this afternoon. KK and I were both very tired, but we always have a nice time with our playgroup friends. I've been working a lot during the evenings to get my current project done. It's a slow-goer with lots of information. Speaking of work, I better get back to it...


At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Grandma can hardly wait until you get here!!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger said...

She's a doll! And that is very very sweet, the "bless you, mama..."

At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to play with us KK! Hopefully, we can play again when you get home from visiting Grandma and Grandpa! I think you are so cute! J


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