Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Actually, it all started last night...

First, we brought Grandma and Grandpa to the airport and everyone cried - especially KK, which upset everyone even more.

When we got home I put KK to bed and anxiously dove into my first work-from-home project. I was so excited to be getting started...but then I couldn't get connected to the server no matter what I tried. Strike one against working from home: there is no tech support at night. I gave up after a couple of hours. Even after getting some help today, it still didn't work. The project I was supposed to have completed by tomorrow has not even been started. I only get paid for what I produce, so after a day and a half in the office and then wrestling with the computer at home I have produced nothing and get nothing. More importantly, my boss (who is also Uncle Geoff) worked hard to make this work-at-home project possible and I really want it to be successful. Tomorrow is an office day, so hopefully we'll figure out what the issue is.

This morning Daddy came in to the bedroom and said, "Buddy threw up all over the living room, and I don't have time to clean it up." Which sucked, but worse, that was the last thing Daddy said before he walked out the 'I love you', no 'goodbye.' I know he was preoccupied with work this morning so I understood, but it didn't start the morning in a nice way. And I still had to pick up the FIVE piles of dog puke (for the second time - he created five even bigger piles at 3am the night year he does NOT get the Easter ham bone.)

The clean-up project made me late for work at the club this morning and all of the kids were on sugar highs from their Easter candy. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

**Warning. This is the worst part.**
KK had her well-child check-up today. She weighs 24.2 lbs. and is 31 3/4" tall. Something isn't right because she was 31 1/2" at her 15 month check-up and I KNOW that she has grown more than 1/4" in 5 months. The kitchen table proves that without even measuring her. I love KK's doctor, but the nursing staff is less than impressive - further proven today with KK's shots. The nurse said she had a "better way" to administer shots to children. "Sit her in your lap facing me," she says. "It works better that way." So like an idiot, I sit KK on my lap facing her. She needed three shots. The first goes in and of course she screams and cries. I'm trying to somewhat cover her eyes and hold her still at the same time when the second goes in. KK fights me, the nurse is not very swift, and the needle bends and comes out scratching a bloody line in KK's leg before the nurse could inject it. The nurse says "You need to hold her still!!!" Oh. Okay. I'M SUPPOSED TO HOLD HER FLAILING LEGS, ARMS, AND HEAD STILL AFTER YOU HAVE ALREADY STABBED HER ONCE AND NOW ARE COMING AT HER WITH ANOTHER 2" NEEDLE AND YOU'VE REQUESTED ME TO POSITION HER SO SHE CAN WATCH THE ENTIRE PROCESS??? ARE YOU *$#@*# KIDDING ME??? So, KK got three shots, four stab wounds and one complimentary two-inch long needle scratch.

After the doc we went to the bagel store to get a snack (and so I could hit them up for the music school fundraiser). I got KK out of the car only to find that the store was closed (like, for forever). So we go back to the car, but NO WAY is she going back into her carseat. She arched her back and stiffened up and cried and I swear I didn't think I'd ever get her buckled in. "SNACK!!!! SNAAACK!!!!! SNAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!" She didn't believe me when I said, "We'll go someplace better! We'll go to McDonalds!" Probably because she never goes to McDonalds and didn't care. And then she started to say "Applesauce? Applesauce?" Yes! Yes, honey! McDonalds will have applesauce!

McDonald's doesn't have applesauce. They do have apple dippers, also known as a caramel delivery system. As a snack, my daughter ate a little packet of caramel that she happily sucked off of apple slices (she didn't take a single bite of the apples).

Whew. Sorry for the downer post. I guess I needed a distraction from my inability to work and the effort of balancing my checkbook. Which isn't balancing. And I need it to balance. It's an obsession I have. Even though I suck at math, I MUST balance my checkbook to the penny every month. I guess I should have waited to do it until tomorrow...


At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for both of my little girls. I wish I was still there to help out. I would be crying right alonge with KK. OOOOO my poor little baby girl,I'm crying right now for her!!!

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the book says, "Some days are like that...even in Australia." I know it was no fun at the time, but at least your re-telling is fun. And, just for the record, Burger King DOES have applesauce. :-)
Auntie Kar

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

My poor baby girl, wish I was there to spoil her proper. Although I have a feeling it was a lot harder for you than her. Thank goodness kids are so resilient.
My dad cried longer (although not harder) than Macaroni when he got his first shots.
Hugs and kisses.


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