Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

We had an action-packed day! It started at the club, where KK seems to have acquired an admirer with a crush. For the past couple of weeks, we’ve noticed one little boy who follows her around everywhere she goes. He tries to hug her and put his arm around her…sometimes she is okay with it, and other times she pushes him away, but he always persists. He is very sweet to her! He doesn’t seem to have the same interest in any of the other kids….hmmmmm...I don’t think we’ll tell Daddy about this.
After KK’s short nap, we went to the company where I used to work for their Fall Festival. Each department had a theme based on a letter of the alphabet. (This is a unique and creative company!) The department I worked in had “C”…so we went to the Circus! KK got to pick out lots of candy, get her photo taken by the company’s photographer, ride a tiger, and do a million other fun things. Best of all, she got to spend LOTS of time with Uncle Geoff! While they were playing, I was able to visit with some very special people who I used to spend a lot of time working and traveling with. I do miss it there, but I love the job I have now even more! : )
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THEN, we came home for dinner and were kept in line by the local Sheriff.
After dinner, KK and Daddy went trick-or-treating. According to Daddy, they “had soooo much fun!!!” It was certainly a fun and busy day!


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