Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Weekend update

While Daddy was off in Sin City this weekend (he claims no sinning occurred, but we all know Vegas’ motto…just kidding, I’m sure they were all good boys) we got a lot done! Nothing important, but they were things that needed to happen anyway. First, my least favorite Fall project: pruning down the rose bushes and other shrubs. Grrrr, why didn't the people who lived here before us plant a thorn-less variety of roses? Those suckers are bloodthirsty! We also tackled the big-huge-purple-bushy-thing whose flowers turn into a very stinky powdery mess when it’s done blooming. Ugh, that thing is no fun to cut down! KK helped by hanging out in the Pack n Play, throwing her toys over the side and squealing with delight as they rolled down the lawn or driveway. We still have a bit of yard work to do before winter, but thankfully the worst is over.

After that was accomplished, we moved on to much more fun projects like cleaning out KK's closet! It is so hard to pack away (and return) teeny-tiny baby clothes! Her closet is very organized now, and she has lots of cute clothes for this winter (many thanks to our wonderful friends who loaned us clothes, and to our local consignment shop!) Always eager to help, KK explored the corners of her bedroom, and emptied every shelf and basket she could find. Another fun project was making 5x7 holiday cards for the unit of soldiers in Iraq that the kids at the club 'adopted.' This whole topic deserves its own entry, so sometime this week I'll write all about it. I worked really hard to make sure these cards were special, and I’m happy with how they turned out. I hope the soldiers will like them, too.

The only other thing that happened was that I gained ten pounds eating all of the candy we bought to pass out to trick-or-treaters. Next year, I'm going to wait and buy it ON Halloween so I'm not tempted to devour it all before the first knock at the door...


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