Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Lovey?

Some kids have a "lovey" - a favorite blankie, dolly, stuffed animal, whatever - that they just can't part with. I've often wondered what, if anything, KK would choose. She has not really shown a preference to any one thing...until today. And what did she choose? A small green foam star. When parted with it, she grows horns and a pitchfork tail...and I'm certain that if it were not returned to her promptly her eyes would shoot red lasers and her head would spin around. Fortunately, this strange bond only occurred today - so I may be able to intervene. Although she held her little star for no less than five hours today, so the bond is already pretty strong. (She has no idea how difficult it was for me to return it to her after she dropped it on the floor at Target and I ran over it with the cart. This was especially difficult considering the star was usually kept safe in the clenches of her teeth. But who needs a scene in the middle of Target? Sigh.) Here is KK and her new 'friend' on the swing at the park (note the "Touch my star and you'll be sorry" look on her face):
Maybe its just because she didn't get to see Daddy today and she misses him. BB misses him too, as evidenced here:


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