Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

No nap. Yawn.

Today was the very first day ever that KK didn't take a nap. Not even a short one. Oh, please, please, please don't say that she is outgrowing her nap. That would not be good for Mommy. The positive side is that she went down early tonight without a peep. She was a very tired girl, so I think that this was a fluke and she'll go back to her nap tomorrow. My fingers are crossed.

KK has always LOVED to be read to. Yesterday I found her sitting in a pile of books at the club, paging through them on her own. I have never seen her really look at a book by herself before...she would always come running and shove a book at whoever seemed most willing to read it to her. She did it a lot at home today too - she'd pick up a book and look at it quietly, page by page. It was neat to see her actually "reading" a book rather than trying to eat it. She's getting to be such a big girl!


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