Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas

We had a very nice Christmas weekend! On Saturday we went to Uncle T's home so we could spend some time with all of the family together. Auntie K planned a cheese and chocolate fondue spread, and it was delicious! Her house was decorated so pretty, and we all had a very nice time!

On Christmas Eve, Grandma M and Uncle Ry and his family came to our house and spent the night. We ate and ate and ate, and drank plenty too. Santa brought KK and her cousin C some very fun presents from the North Pole. She also received many nice gifts from her family! If I could describe KK's Christmas (and ours) in one word, it would be "abundant." We've been working on clearing out "old" toys (I'm trying to make sense of a child who is only 16 months old having "old" toys...) to donate to a worthy place. Anyway, she has loved playing with her new things!

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AND, AND, AND (speaking of abundant!) DADDY AND KK GOT ME A NIK*N D50 DSLR! WITH A 18-55mm LENS!!! AND A PHOTO PRINTER!!! Holy moly! I'm itching to get started on learning how to use it, but for the past couple of days all I can do is stare at it in awe. I'll admit I'm a little scared of it - my tummy does butterfly dances just looking at the thing! So, maybe soon I'll be posting some not-so-blurry-or-yellow-with-less-red-eye photos. I hope so, anyway. Yipee!

KK, Daddy, and I hope that you also had a wonderful Christmas!


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