Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Who needs a Christmas card anyway???

I haven't been posting for the past few days because I have been busy trying to get a photo worthy to send out on our family Christmas card. I'm having a hard time choosing between these great shots:

#1 The "If I crouch and run, she won't get me!" shot:

#2 The "The kid ran, so I'm outta here too!" shot:

#3 The "headless dog" shot:

#4 The "tongue action" shot:

#5 The "If you squint really hard and blink fast, it will almost look focused!" shot:

or #6 (my personal favorite) The "snarling dog, puking baby" shot:
Decisions, decisions.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Oh hilarious!!! These are the photos that capture the REAL story :) I love this post!


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