Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year...a week late.

New Year's Eve was so low-key at our house it seemed like any other day and snuck right by me. Since then, though, we've been a little busy. Last Wednesday I started taking classes for my new camera. The class was a disaster in structure and organization, but I did learn a few things. Next time I'll just bring a bag of coffee beans to snack on so I can stay awake. At least the classes are free...I guess you get what you pay for. The next night I went to see "The H*liday" with a friend - cute, cute, cute movie! On Friday we went to a play with some of Daddy's clients, and last night we had a pizza party at our house with some friends. Tonight was the first night in a while that I actually got to put KK to bed! I missed that routine, and I'm glad we had a quiet night tonight.

I have never been a person to do resolutions for the new year. This year is no different, but I do have a goal - which I guess is sort of the same thing. I really, really, really want to get KK's scrapbook(s) started and make some good progress on it (them). I had initially wanted to have her first year documented by her first birthday...but I didn't even start it. Part of the problem is that I have over 3,000 photographs of her and haven't printed many of them. It will take forever to sort through the ones that I want to print, and it would cost a fortune to print them all. But I'll get started on it somehow - I have to! (Thanks to my sweet MIL for the Walgreens gift card for photofinishing!!! And to Auntie Sunshine for all of the beautiful albums, paper, supplies, and pages!!!) Now that I have this new fabulous camera, the problem is just going to get worse and worse if I don't get started on it now. I could also add that I want to assemble our wedding album. At least the photos are printed and Auntie Sunshine helped me organize it...two years ago. It just didn't get put together. (I never put an album together for my FIRST wedding either, but I think it's safe to say that I'm too late on that one. ha.)

Let's talk about KK! Her hair is growing! I can put a clip in it and it stays in as long as she doesn't notice it. Yay! She can also recognize herself and says her own name, "Daaay Daaaaay!" She ate some raisins tonight, and said MORE! She loves to run, and runs around the house with no destination in mind (usually while yelling and screaming, a trick she learned at the club). She entertained our friends last night and had everyone laughing and having a great time. She is the light of my life, and her Daddy's too. Here is a photo...(notice the clip in her hair?) : )
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Happy New Year! I hope you have a wonderful 2007!


At 1:44 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Okay, let's see if we can get comments to work this time. I miss you and love you and wish I was running around the house yelling with you. Have fun in the snow!


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