Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a very sweet Valentine’s Day! It started at the club where KK made a pretty handprint Valentine and played with her friends. (Did you know how fun it is to play underneath of tables?? She LOVES to do this!) This afternoon her friend P came over and there was more playing under tables and sharing of toys. I love the picture of them on the chair…check out how their mouths are the same…cute!
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Daddy is still working on his big project at work, so he got home late and then worked from home for a while after dinner. He will be taking our computer with him to work for the next couple of days so I’ll be out of touch. It will give me time to REALLY start on that scrapbook I keep talking about (and buying stuff for). I mean REALLY this time!

On a more serious and important note, Grandpa had his surgery today to remove the skin cancer. It sounds like the surgery went well and was successful without having to remove too much tissue. Apparently they had to make some incisions and he has quite a few stitches, but they will heal soon enough. We are so relieved that it went well. Yaaaay Gampah! We love you!



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