Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Happy Friday

This month we celebrate one year of going to music class. I don't know if these classes will make any difference in KK's future musical abilities, but I do know that we both love them! Of course there really isn't any formal instruction, it's just singing, dancing, playing with instruments and props, and hanging around other kids and parents. This next age group level has been especially enjoyable and KK has really blossomed in class. She loves doing group activities like holding hands and marching in a circle. She can also follow the teacher's instructions pretty well, like rocking from foot to foot. I look so forward to Friday mornings - there is nothing better than watching your child dance and laugh!

After music, we surprised Daddy at his office to give him a hug and kiss. KK was more interested in running around the office and pulling things off of people's desks, but we were still able to snap a picture of the two of them. It was a fun visit, and we had a great day!


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