Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Visiting the past

Our computer was gone this week for some updating, so I took the opportunity to get started on organizing KK's scrapbook. First, I spent some time reading through both my and Daddy's baby books. KK is certainly Daddy's girl! Here is what Grandma wrote about his likes and dislikes:
"These I like: bananas and chocolate cookies. These I don't: Eating vegetables. I don't like to eat meals and I hate haircuts." Well, there you have it. At least we don't have to worry about the haircuts yet. And take a look at this:
The only thing missing on Daddy's picture is the big pink headbow! Of course you could say that all babies look alike when they are first born...but you haven't seen my baby picture yet. Whoa. Thank goodness I got control of those eyes and grew some lips. Then I ran across a couple of other pictures of Daddy and they looked a little familiar, too. I grabbed the pictures of our nephew C off of the fridge, put them together, and voila! Twins (almost)!
I think it would be safe to say that the genes on Daddy's side of the family are slightly dominant! But then I think that our niece H looks a teeny-tiny bit like me (green eyes, brown hair, fair skin) and we don't share any genes at all! Anyway, It was fun to go through the books and compare our development with KK's.

I also stumbled across my old photo albums. Oh boy. Would one of my friends please remind me why we thought it was cool to dress and dance like the girls in Oakt*wn's 357 - and take pictures while we were doing it??? (Friends, you know who you are!) KK, sweetheart, if you ever happen to find Mommy's old photo albums please know that I was really a good girl. We were only posing for the camera and didn't really act that crazy. I promise. And I never dressed like that in public, either. (Gulp.)


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As C's mommy, I am well aware of the overpowering Moore genes. But those pics of C and his uncle are uncanny!

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Lynanne said...

I think all the baby photos were cute. Yes, even your's with the crossed eyes! Aren't old baby books fun?


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