Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Poor KK

Yesterday KK developed a fever, but I was able to control it with M*trin and Tylen*l pretty easily. She stayed home with Daddy for most of this morning, and then he dropped her off at the club for the last hour of my shift. She wasn't interested in playing and just wanted to be held, so I knew she still didn't feel good. We went home and tried the Tylen*l again, but this time it didn't work - her temp was still high and she was lethargic. She didn't have any other symptoms of being sick - no vomiting, no coughing, no runny nose - so I called the doc and they told us to bring her in. By the time we got to the doctor at 4:30 her temp was 103.9 and she was not a happy girl. It turns out that both of her ears are infected, possibly caused by the influenza virus. Apparently influenza hits suddenly and usually includes headache, bodyache, and fever - but doesn't always have other symptoms (unlike the stomach flu which is totally different) so it sounds like it is probably the cause. We decided against testing her for sure, because if the doctor even made a motion of coming near her she would cling to me and since the treatment was going to be the same whether it is actually influenza or not, there was no need to torture her with a nose swab. Daddy was able to get her to eat a little tonight. She drank some Gat*rade, took her antibiotic (for her ears, not for the flu - we debated giving it to her at all, but in the end the doc thought we should) and went to bed early. I hope she sleeps through the night and is feeling better tomorrow...poor sweetie.


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