Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mitteeee good/Food bad

KK is still enamored with Mitteee, and wanted to sleep with her book yet again at naptime today. I can't resist snapping photos of her - look at those cheeks!
(Daddy just got done putting KK down for the night, and he informed me that she and Mitteee were all tucked in...I can't believe how attached she has become to that book for sleeping!)

This, on the other hand, is how she has been feeling about food. Note how she sorted her meat to the right side of her tray and her noodles into the cup holder? I'm not sure why she did this, but I do know that it didn't make it more interesting to eat because she didn't eat a bite of it. She hasn't eaten much of anything for the past two days - not even her favorites. But she is acting fine... energetic, happy and silly. I'm sure she'll eat when she's hungry.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

That is really cracking me up that she is snuggled up with a book! Too cute!

Looks like it might be a while before you can do a pony tail with her, but it's still fun to try!

(Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hi!)


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