Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I think it's true love...

Here is KK sleeping in the car yesterday. She is really and truly in love.
Unfortunately, she is very sick. I guess now I know why she hasn't been eating well for the past few days. Last night we were at our friends' home for dinner and KK projectile vomited all over their kitchen floor. About six times. They have a three year old and a six month old, so we cleaned up and bolted out the door to avoid any more contact between the kids and to get KK home. I felt terrible. Mostly sad for KK but also a little guilty for running out of their house immediately after the wonderful dinner they made for us. I felt rude, although I know they totally understand - and after KK's impressive display, I certainly don't think they wanted us to stick around. ha. Today, Daddy is sick with the same thing. Ugh. Both of them are sleeping now, so I think I'm going to go lay down in front of the TV. I'm tired from taking care of TWO babies. : )


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