Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, April 30, 2007

We're still here

This past week has been busy. I've been trying to manage working at the club, working at home, and working a little at the office while also trying to keep up with little miss diva girl. So far we've been able to make all of our regular activities (playgroup, music classes, watching KK's friends when their mommies need time, going to church, etc.) and I haven't had to hire a sitter to work from home. I'm also working out the details of my trip to the Navajo Nation later this summer...I think it will work out. As long as I don't think too much about being away from KK, I get very excited about the trip.

On Friday I received a nice surprise from Daddy! I worked at the club that morning and when I got to the car after my shift, this was sitting in the passenger seat: The note said, "Be ready for a nice dinner out at 5:30. The babysitter is taken care of." It was so sweet! The rest of the weekend was nice too. Except Grandpa is back in the hospital, so that is a bummer. We are going to see Grandma and Grandpa and lots of other people we love later this week, so we are looking forward to that.

KK is changing so much right now I can hardly keep up with her; she's a little sponge and is learning so much so fast that she seems like a new person every day. She is so fun to be around! (99.9% of the time, anyway.) Her latest adventures include "riding her bike" (read: I push her Roll'n'Ride while she just sits on it) to the park and swinging on the swings. We are also trying to learn how to go down the slide the 'correct' way. She has a hard time sitting up, so her slides usually turn out like this (when she gets to the bottom she usually flies right off and lands on her back):
She's also been into wearing necklaces lately. So pretty! Tomorrow is an office day...and since it's already 2:30am I guess I should try to get some sleep...


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Terri Mork Speirs said...

Oh my goodness, you're husband gets a gold star for sure! I am going to inspire/hint/guilt my husband with this one. ;-) See you at Minnehaha Communion next Sunday. T

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh what a nice husband you have. I knew you got a good one this time!!



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