Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pretty in pink

KK's toes are pink! I don't know why it felt like such a big deal to paint her toenails - even though she still has beautiful itty bitty baby toes, she seems so much more a big girl now. Of course she LOVES them! She has to tell everyone she sees that she has "Pink toes!!!" I had another embarrassing "KK Speaks" moment today. We live in a smallish community with very little diversity; ethnically, it's extremely bland and boring. The only exception seems to be during the school year when the college football players move in. It's so obvious that it is disturbing to me; the fact that I even notice is so converse to the community in which I was raised. Anyway, at the grocery store today there was a black woman shopping near us. KK waved at her excitedly and said loud enough for the entire store to hear, "HI OPRAH!!!" The sweet and gracious woman laughed and smiled. It was a compliment, afterall! (She did have Oprah's most recent longer hairstyle, so KK wasn't totally out in left field!) Ahhh, out of the mouths of babes...

Have a good day!


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