Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, August 20, 2007

It's almost over?

How can school be starting tomorrow when summer just began a few short weeks ago? Traffic is crazy again, the lines are long everywhere, and all of our babysitters are sitting in classrooms and attending sports practices, games, and tournaments. *Sigh*

We've been enjoying these last days of summer as much as possible. Last week we took a couple of the neighbor boys to a summer festival in a park. KK got to ride a choo-choo-train and play for hours. KK adores these boys and was happy as could be all day. This weekend Uncle Dave was in town on business so he came to stay with us for a day. We took him to another summer festival where he found a cool shirt that we couldn't wait to try on KK (it was a bit big...)! It was fun to hang out, laugh, talk about our upcoming 20 year class reunion (or lack of one?), and generally catch up with each other.

KK, Daddy, and I have also gone swimming a bunch since most of the pools will be closing this week. All of the lifeguards are back in school so even though it's still hotter than he!!, they have to close the pools...what ever happened to school starting after Labor Day???

Oh well, we'll take what we can get and enjoy summer as long as we can! I only wish we could go to MN for the State Fair. Now THAT is the appropriate way to finish out the summer! Maybe next year...


At 5:52 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Ooh, am I allowed to buy KK political gifts too? When can I send her to Camp Wellstone?

Give that baby girl kisses from Sunshine...and I promise to eat lots of mini donuts and cheese curds for you at the fair.

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Dave looks great!! I'm glad you had time together. KK sure likes that ride, whatever she was on. Can hardly wait to see, hold and hear her laugh again.
Hey, Auntie Sunshine what about that diet????? Just eat one mini donut and one cheese curd. I'll eat the rest for ya. Ha Ha

Love Grandma

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Summertime is so much fun with a toddler isn't it?
I'm a little nervous to be cooped up with mine all winter, could be crazy!

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Diet schmiet. Even if I hadn't already given up, I'd still pig out at the Fair.


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