Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Our little girl is two! Every single day she gets to be more fun, and this was especially true today. We started the day with her favorite breakfast (cheesy eggs) and then headed to a local garden to take some pictures. As usual, she refused to look at the camera at all. We did get a few pretty shots anyway. After the garden, we went to a bouncy castle paradise. There were several bouncy things to choose from, but ever loyal, she was only interested in one. Then we had ice cream for lunch, with a few bites of Ch1ck-f!l-A for dessert (of course we had ice cream first, it was her birthday!) We managed to squeeze in a nap, and then we sat down to open birthday greetings that came in the mail from Auntie Sunshine and Great-Grandma. She kept saying, "Oh my goodness!!! Wow!!!" as she opened each card and looked at the surprises inside. For dinner we had another favorite, corn on the cob and salmon. And of COURSE - the traditional Birthday Cake made using Daddy's grandma's angel food cake pan!!! (I forgot to buy candles - so we had to improvise. I don't think KK quite knew what to think. Ooops.) Finally she opened her gift from Daddy and me - several new books. The other night she started 'reading' a few of her books to us instead of us reading them to her. Clearly she has several memorized, so we thought some new ones would be refreshing for everyone. Daddy also brought her two beautiful red roses. Awwww. : ) Her birthday party is still to come...she talks about it constantly and I think it will be a great time for her to share with her little friends and cousins.

Happy birthday to our sweet, fun, happy, silly, beautiful little girl.
We love you!!!


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

I'm so glad you had such a fun birthday baby girl! Although, not so much a baby girl anymore, huh? I'm more impressed with you every day.
Love you bunches!

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Happy Birthday Grandma's little girl! You will always be my little baby girl no matter how big or old you get!! Wish I was there to go jump in Mickey Mouse with you! Boo Hoo!!


At 3:00 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Happy birthday beautiful girl!
Your pictures are GORGEOUS!

Sounds like you had a perfect day, KK-Style. Just how it should be :)

At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great birthday. We are glad we get to see you soon!

Auntie Kar, Uncle Ry and Cousin C


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