Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fall Fun

For the next several weeks we have a full schedule of activities. Farm chores, playgroup, babysitting co-op, tumbling, music, working at the club...potty training...we are having a lot of fun! KK had her first tumbling class this week and it was a huge hit - she absolutely LOVED it! Here are some pictures from the week.

After tumbling class, we went to see baby Addy. After helping to replace Addy's binky, KK quickly decided to rearrange everything in Auntie Jill's house. Sorry Jill! (I need some Addy time without a two-year-old in tow!!!) To close the week, Uncle Ray helped us take some portraits for our Christmas cards. I had a brilliant idea to have them done in some open space by our house. This open space includes a big lake. What was I thinking???? BuddyBuddy and bodies of water have a magnetic attraction. As soon as he saw the water, it was all over. Of course he had to roll in dirt upon his exit from the lake, then shake right next to us depositing little mud speckles all over us. Oh well, the pictures will still be better than last years:


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Oh my, last years photos cracked me up!!
Better luck this year :)

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

KK in pigtails! There is nothing cuter. Hugs and kisses.

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

That is so cute. She is concentrating so hard on the bar. I wish I was there to watch her and praise her for a good job KK!!!! Looking forward to the christmas pictures too! She looks like she could be very helpful with another baby around!!

Love, Grandma

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Janice said...

Wow, she looks she had a lot of fun in tumbling class! Ditto what Jamie said on last year's photos:D! Reminds me of our last year Christmas photos!


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