Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Camping...sort of.

At the beginning of the summer, our playgroup friends planned a camping trip for this past weekend. ALL SUMMER we've had 90 degree sunny weather. On Friday? We began two full days of rain and 30-50 degree temps. Go figure! With eight adults, five three year olds, and three infants, it didn't sound like it was going to be much fun spending two nights outside in freezing rain.

Thankfully, we have a wonderful friend who had an (available!) cabin literally ten minutes from our campsite. So, we headed to the mountains and decided we'd cozy up and make the best of it. It was great! We had the best of both worlds -- we were in the mountains AND we were warm, dry, ate fabulous meals, and we were able to watch the Olympics (a big deal since one of our friends is a former track and field Olympian for New Zealand and his wife competed in this year's U.S. Olympic trials). Best of all, the kids had a BLAST! Even with the cold and rain, we spent a few hours at the campground...just long enough to enjoy a campfire, s'mores, and a short hike to 'fish' in the lake. We are all excited to give it another try next summer; hopefully in dryer weather!
After everyone else had headed for home, KK and I stayed behind and hiked around a lake since the weather was a bit nicer. Daddy had already left early for a trip for work, so we just took our time and threw lots of rocks! It really was a great weekend!


At 6:06 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Looks like a blast. A roof is my kind of camping, unless I'm with you Shayne. The Queen of Camping and Tent-Putting-Uppers. Glad you had fun and stayed warm!


At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember those camping days with the Snipe hunting!! That was fun!! Waking up in the fresh air and not wanting to get out of our nice warm sleeping bags to go pee!!! It looks like the kids had a good time and lots of fun together!

Grandma K


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