Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, July 07, 2008


My trip to Minnesota last weekend was awesome. I missed KK very much, but I knew she was at home having a great time with Daddy. I did so many things that I've wanted to, but having a baby and a schedule to follow made difficult. Most importantly I got to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. Jboy's graduation party was perfect, and it was fun to catch up with my own high school friends (we missed you Lisa!) I still can't believe Jboy is off to college. Where does the time go? Lucky for me he isn't going too far, and I'll still get to see him when I visit home. : ) In all of my 'free time' I walked/ran around the lake, went for a long walk with Auntie Sunshine along my very favorite (mosquito infested) trail, rode our neighbor's bike for ten miles along the same trail, spent some time in F0rt Sne11ing St@te Park, and paid a visit to DQ with Mom and Dad. Besides the people I love, I miss the trees and water of MN soooo much! (check out the size of this tree...!) We also had a nice Independence Day weekend. Grandma M came to visit and we hung out at the pool most of the day, went to visit the puppies, and then went to Uncle Geoff's parents' place for margaritas and to watch fireworks. The puppies are doing great...I'll post a longer puppy update in the next couple of days. : )


At 8:23 AM, Blogger lma said...

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At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG those puppies are getting big enough to take home with you!!!

Grandma K

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great having you home and seeing you with all of your friends. It made me feel young again just being around all of you the day of the party. See you soon!

Grandma K, again!

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Looks like you had a great trip! It is always fun to go home and enjoy all the local favorites.

Those puppies are just adorable! nothing cuter than puppies and kids...


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