Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Because we need some "happy"

Playing golf with Daddy has become one of KK's favorite things. It's good that she is learning the rules of the game early, so she'll never drive the cart onto the green like her mommy has been known to do. Ahem. (I was just doing what I was told. "Take the cart and meet me on the green" seemed an easy enough instruction to me. Ooops.) Since KK's blog needs a little 'happy,' I thought I'd share some cute pictures from the July 4 weekend when we went golfing at the club where Daddy and I got married. In some more happy news, we bought a backyard play slide from a neighbor and KK loves it. She does play on it, but mostly she uses it as a platform to yell across the fence to the neighbors. Our poor neighbor Bob says "Hiiii KK!" back to her at least 50 times a night. When she's not busy yelling to the neighbors, she is holding conferences in her playroom, and looking quite "authoritative" if I do say so myself.
KK also experienced her first movie theater movie last week! I was a little unsure when the sign outside of the theater we were told to go to said Se*x and the C!ty, but it actually did turn out to be Shr*ek the Third, so she loved it! She sat through the whole thing, enjoyed her popcorn, and of course provided running commentary for everyone surrounding us. Good thing it was all kids! I guess this is happy news, too, although I cried my eyes out over it. All of the puppies are in their new homes with their new families! (Except for one, who is staying with momma Bailey for a little while longer until his family can take him.) We were able to have a few of the puppies come and spend a day and night with us which was so much fun. As soon as I organize my 500 puppy photos, I'll post some of the cuteness. One thing is for certain...our "Big Daddy B" is a very special boy and we are so lucky to have him. I think he's even starting to love KK a little bit! Ya think? Oh, and was my due date for KK! She was ten days late, but I still love today's date. It makes me happy just to think about all of the times someone actually asked ME when I was due!


At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank G** every day for this Blog!! KK is growing up so fast and grandpa and I really miss watching her grow up but the blog helps a lot. Buddy Buddy is a great dog and he is excited to see us every time we come to see you all. (which is next week!!!!!!!!) YEAH!!!

Grandma K

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you due??

At 1:18 PM, Blogger KK's Mom said...

I wish I could say I was "due" again, but alas - nothing is due around here but a cleaning lady.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

I can't believe she has the patience to golf. That is amazing.

And I'm LOVING the picture of KK's conference, she looks like she is tellin them about some serious business for sure.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I love that picture of her and the little meeting she held with the toys. That is just too cute!


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