Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Graduate

This weekend I am in Minneapolis to celebrate because my little Pookie Bear, Auntie Sunshine's oldest son, has graduated from high school. The same high school that we graduated from last year. Errr, wait, I meant last decade. No, wait again...TWO DECADES ago!!!

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life (sorry Auntie Sunshine, but it was.) He was an 11 pound 1 ounce bundle of perfection. Auntie Sunshine was, and still is, a mother to be admired.

He sure put up with a lot of stuff from his Mommy's friends during those first few years. He was our entertainment, and his knowledge of geography had us all captivated. Embarrassingly, he put Auntie Shannon and I to shame when we argued with him at Heather's wedding that Mount Everest was in the United States...not in a different country. He was quite irritated with us and insisted it was "In the Himalayaaaaas on the border of China in NepAAAAALLLL!!!!" We just smiled and said, "Oh, you're so silly! It is in Washington State, or somewhere like that." Until the other people at the table were like, "Uhhh, hey dumb@$$es, the kid is right." We should have known better than to argue with a child genius.

Don't worry about the fact that he graduated from the same high school we did. I'm pretty sure the geography teachers have improved...oh, and that he did a little less partying during school than we did. Right, Jboy?

Since moving to Colorado, I have missed out on a lot of his growing up. I remember calling their house once wondering who the man was answering the phone until I heard, "Hey MOMMMMM! The phone's for you!!!"

Pookie, you have become a young man overnight, and I am very proud of you. Congratulations on your high school graduation; I can't wait to hear how you change the world! I love you!!!!

(Sorry the song playing is a little weird, I couldn't find one that fit and I liked the title of this one!)


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Terri Mork Speirs said...

Hi KK's Mom! O my gosh, this slide show is so sweet. I can't believe all the pictures that you conjured up. Auntie Sunshine hasn't changed a bit. Congratulations on this fabulous graduation. I hope all is well in Colorado. Love, T

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I love the big 80s hair in the pictures!!

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Congrats to Pookie Bear!!! My favorite part of the slide show is when the last graduation picture comes up and is immediatly followed by the baby pictures again. So sweet!


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