Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Molars. Ouch.

Things are pretty quiet around here. I'm 99% sure that KK is teething her last molars. (I'm only 99% sure because I'm not going to put my fingers in there to find out for sure - she does have most of her other teeth already, and I've learned that they work very well thankyouverymuch.) She wasn't really behaving like herself today, but she wasn't acting "sick" either. She had NO appetite - as compared to her typical light appetite - and was drooly and clingy. She also got possesive of her toys with her playgroup friends here at our house. She didn't want to share much of anything, but wanted to drink out of all the other kids' sippy cups. Her new word, "nah-nah-nah," has quickly turned into a sharp "NO!" followed by some pretty impressive foot-stomping. She's really pushing her limits, but that is what she is supposed to be doing at this age, right?

The only other thing happening is that we are getting ready for Grandma K to come and visit us this week! Yay! We are very excited!


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