Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Let's get back to KK!

After that little excursion to an embarrassing moment in my past, let's get back to the good stuff, shall we?!!

Today KK ate several spoonfuls of corn, with an actual spoon, all by herself! I was so proud of her, I did a little dance each time she ate a spoonful - which she thought was hilarious and it kept her going for several bites. She used her left hand most of the time, but otherwise she's still pretty ambidextrous.
It's been so cold outside that we haven't really done much this week outside of the house except go to to work at the club. We've read every book on the shelves, oh, about six times each (which I actually enjoy), and KK is getting to be a very good Mommy to her baby doll, Emma. She loves to give her hugs and kisses and lots of rides in the stroller. The cutest thing is when she hugs her, she'll pat the dolly's back gently as if trying to comfort her. It's the sweetest thing!
Of course, there is plenty of mischief occurring during all of her sweetness. KK loves to climb the stairs and play with some candles on the landing (which entails hurling them through the railing to the ground below). Today I asked her to "smile pretty!" and this was what I got:
Pretty indeed!


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

You're such a big girl KK! Using a spoon is really going to come in handy when we pig out on ice cream. Hugs and Kisses XOXOX

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how they take care of their babies...Emily goes everywhere with us and is a naughty girl more often than you would imagine. ....But if Josie says she does the things that are bad, then I believe her.


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