Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Fun Friday

We had a great day today! We started at music class this morning, then came home and splashed around in the backyard at the water table and in the teeny-tiny pool we picked up last summer. KK didn't quite get that the water table is a table and not a pool itself; she ended up sitting in it most of the time. Then, Daddy came home from work early and surprised us by taking us to the big pool. We swam for a couple of hours and had such a fun time. After a nap, Daddy took us downtown to have dinner and there was a concert playing so we hung out and KK danced like a chicken right in front of the stage. (She got her dancing skills from Daddy for sure.) Everyone thought she was pretty funny.

While we were downtown, KK convinced Daddy to buy some very special friends for her shoes (the kind of shoes I vowed she would never wear, but have learned to love because of their amazing convenience). She's thrilled, but I'm sure it's going to be a battle to get her to watch where she is walking now. All in all, we had a very very fun day!


At 1:48 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Sounds like you guys had a great day! Lots of summer fun, for sure!

And KK must be so in love with her little Mickey Mouse charms for her crocs. That is going to be so cute seeing her march around in those.

I wanted to tell you that the tutu I made could not have been easier! ANYONE could do it.

I got the idea here:
but mine came out way fuller and puffier. In total I used 4 yards of tulle and all in one color, but multiple colors is very cute too. I cut the full length of my 4 yards in half and then cut it in strips about 5 inches wide. (So each strip is about 18" by 5") Then just made a loop-type knot tying each strip loosely around an elastic band until it was full.
Or just google "no-sew tutu" and there is lots of info.

You must post pictures if you make one!!


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