Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, June 07, 2007


They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...but I'm not one for following the rules so I'll tell all (just don't expect anything too exciting!) First of all, Happy 60th Birthday Mom/Grandma! We had a great time celebrating Grandma's birthday with a long weekend in sin city. Some of her friends surprised her by showing up in Vegas which was really cool! We spent a lot of time at the pool, went to a couple of shows, and put about, oh, one dollar in a slot machine. (At one point I was up $6! Of course I never saw it in the end...Daddy teased me for losing 600% on my investment. I felt like a high roller! heh.)

Grandma has always wanted a tattoo, so for her birthday I got her TWO! Of course they are the henna kind that only last a few weeks, but it was fun and she can test out how she'd like a real one.

Another highlight of our weekend was going to Margaritaville and having (what else) a margarita. KK's favorite Jimmy song came on (Bama Breeze - go ahead and call social services on us...) and for a moment we got a little sentimental about how much we missed her.

More great news...Uncle Rod FINALLY popped the question and put a big shiny diamond on Auntie Shawna's finger right before the Celine concert. Yay!!! We are all thrilled beyond words!

KK had a fabulous time while we were gone. She hung out here at home with our friends Anna and Nancy for the first two days, and then went to spend the rest of the weekend with Uncle Geoff and Auntie Jill. She went to a petting farm, swam in a lake, went to Build-A-Bear and brought home a sweet pink teddy bear that she named Ruby (just like her Godcousin!), and learned to say "Woman! Get me a beer!" For real. I'd say we ALL had a fun weekend! : )

THANK YOU Anna, Nancy, Geoff and Jill for taking such good care of our sweet girl while we were gone!!!!


At 6:19 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Cute! Love that your mom got two tattoos in Vegas, just like me! Sounds like you guys had fun...and KK learning that new phrase totally reminds me of Jboy shagging beers in your backyard. So glad you're all home safe. Love you!

Oh yeah, congrats on the engagement!


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