Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, June 15, 2007

"The Pony"

Daddy loves it when KK has her hair in a pony(tail) almost as much as she does. If I forget to put one in, I am gently reminded with "Pony in?! Pony in?!" - or Daddy will ask me to put one in because he thinks they're so cute. Since I'm going to be gone, Daddy asked me to help him learn how to do a beloved pony. He practiced for quite a while (rather unsuccessfully) and then finally asked, "Isn't there a faster way to put a pony in? Isn't there a machine or something?" HehHeh. This week is gonna be more fun than I thought. : )

I won't get to post for a while, so I want to wish Daddy and Grandpa (MY Daddy) a very happy Father's Day! I'll miss you both while I am on my trip!!!! KK and I love you both!!!! xoxo!


At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the best to KK and parents while Mom is gone. Safe travels. Think big. :-) Love, T

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did the pony today before the birthday party. I hope I did okay!


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