Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Party time!

I came across this cartoon page not long ago in a magazine. It made me laugh because, other than the bumper stickers, I can relate to all of them. (Although I never left the house with my pregnant belly hanging out, I did it at home all the time.) The last set particularly made me laugh out loud. The one on the left is EXACTLY how I remember my birthday parties when I was young. The one on the right is EXACTLY what KK's first birthday party was like (minus the pony).

So, we had decided last year that we wouldn't have a big 2nd birthday party for KK, but would do something really small and very simple. Then I realized it was going to be her GOLDEN birthday (2 on the 2nd) and though this probably means nothing to anyone but me, I felt like I should do something a little more special. So, I booked the local farm for her 2nd birthday party! After I reserved it, I went on the Internet and HOLY COW (pun sort of intended) there are so many cute and adorable ideas for farm parties!!!!! One of KK's favorite things to say lately is "Birthday party!" Now, she says "Birthday party! Yee Haaaw!!" While it won't be nearly as big as last year's, KK's party will still be cute and a lot of fun! Life is short; we can always save simple and quiet for next year!!! : )


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Wow, you must throw great parties!
I have started thinking about Avery's second birthday already and hers is in December :)
Good luck with the planning!

(thank you for the kind things you said about me and my blog designs, I want you to know that you really made my day)

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Heather said...

That cartoon is absolutely adorable!!


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