Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th!

KK had a great but tiring day today! Grandma M, Uncle Ry and Auntie Kar, and cousin C all came over to spend the day. We went swimming while the guys golfed; we all had a great time. We had a very nice bbq lunch that KK wouldn't eat. She took a very late (and VERY short) nap, and had a major meltdown after she woke up. Then she didn't eat dinner either. I guess there was just too much going on to be interested in food today.

Tonight, after our family headed home, we went over to Uncle Geoff's for a little while where KK fell in love with "fio-cackers boom boom boom!" and tried to blow out all of the fireworks like they were candles - even though she was nowhere near them. When we got home, the neighbors were doing fireworks on the street so we stayed out for awhile...KK didn't get to bed until 10pm. Tomorrow should be interesting. heh.

The biggest bummer of the day - I didn't really take any pictures! We have a few somewhat blurry, but still cute, shots from my camera phone at the pool. I guess we'll have to do a re-visit to the pool with Cousin C again soon so we can get some pictures! : ) Here is a cute one of the kids sharing a snack after their swim.
We hope you had a happy and safe Fourth of July!


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