Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

They say time flies...

I cannot remember a busier summer, and we are having so much fun! We've been home from MN for four days, but I feel like we never got off the plane and just kept moving at five hundred miles per hour. Thankfully, we've been busy with parties, going to the pool and playing at the park. I am enjoying every moment of watching KK grow, but unfortunately I haven't been able to blog about it very much! One thing is for certain, and that is that she IS growing. In the past couple of days she has mastered a complete sentence: "May I have some milk, please, Mama?" I can already see her figuring out how to manipulate the ability to ask for things sweetly and get her way more often than not.

I'll work on posting some pictures soon, but my 'digital downloads' have been woefully neglected too. I guess some things just have to wait until the watermelon is all gone...


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Yes, this summer is going by fast that is a fact. I wish you were still here!! I took KK's toys upstairs last night and they all started playing music and Elmo started laughing!! Pretty soon KK and grandma will haveing a full conversation on the phone. Even now she is saying "hug, grandma, hug". Ahhhhhhh! I miss you both so much!!


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