Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Don't cry, mama.

As I sat and watched the breaking news about the bridge collapse in Minneapolis tonight, I couldn't help but cry. I'm sure KK has seen me cry once or twice before, but didn't acknowledge or probably even realize it. Tonight she came up to me, crawled up on my lap, looked right into my eyes and softly said, "Don't cry, mama." Then she just sat there on my lap, playing with her Mickey doll, letting me snuggle, kiss, and hold her.

Grandma and Grandpa are fine. Uncle Rod and Auntie Shawna are fine. Other than nearly getting run over as emergency vehicles flew through downtown Minneapolis, Auntie Sunshine and the boys are fine. Mama Panda was too close for my comfort - but she and her family are fine too. Even though this bridge is only about four miles from my parents house, I don't think I know anyone who would have likely been on it at that time of day. But still, my heart is breaking for what is happening even as I write this. Of course I hope that nobody I know is affected, but even if not, Minneapolis is home to me and I am very sad tonight.

I am also a little concerned about the bridge over the Mississipi, less than a mile from my parents, that my family does use very often. It is also under construction and I'm sure it will now get a lot of additional traffic. I know that it is unlikely that this type of thing would happen again, but still...I'll be praying.


I'm going to go bake a birthday cake because someone is turning TWO tomorrow...


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