Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Still here

I've been a little slow with the postings lately, and Grandma K harrassed me a little to get back on it. She also harrassed me about putting KK to bed without dinner or stories the other night. I guess maybe this is why I haven't blogged much - it isn't as fun to write about time-outs, the naughty spot, tantrums, hitting, harrassing BuddyBuddy, and food getting tossed on the floor. And we still have four days to go before the "terrible twos" officially begin!!! KK is definitely pushing buttons and trying to see how much she can get away with.

While it has been challenging around here lately, I wouldn't trade these days for anything. We've experienced leaps and bounds in development just in the past week or so. KK can sing several songs all by herself (and in tune!) and is starting to talk in complete sentences. When she isn't saying 'real' words, she is just babbling away. She also loves to read to herself. Books are such a hit with her. We read several throughout the day - so many that now she says "The End" when she is done eating or when she wants to stop doing something. What a funny girl.

Speaking of is a family picture of us that I really like, EXCEPT for my Ooompa Loompa fake spray tan. Scary!
(Helpful hint: If you ever get a spray tan, be very careful when you are doing laundry to not splatter bleach on your arms or you will look like a leopard. Trust me. I felt like I was in one of those Comcast commercials "Sorry Mama, you leopard now!")

This is going to be another busy and special week for us...hopefully there will be a lot of fun, happy things to blog about! : )


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

OOohh sorry to hear you are approaching the "terrible twos". Hope it isn't too bad :)

I don't think I have ever seen pictures of you and your hubby, you are a beautiful family!

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Bobbie said...

You are beautiful inside and out whether you have a tan or not! I'm sorry if I harrassed you too much. It is hard being so far away and knowing KK is crying out
"call grandma, call grandma". If we lived closer, oh, boy!!!!


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