Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, July 30, 2007


Today was so much fun! We went swimming this morning with our playgroup, took a great nap, ate ALL three meals, went shopping for birthday party supplies, and then went to a neighbor friend's birthday party at the local pizza party place! KK had a blast dancing to the "band". Check out this video...nothing like a spotlight messing up your groove!

KK also played skee ball. She has a pretty good arm for being such a peanut!


At 6:12 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Hey, she was right with the beat too! What a girl. Almost two, boo hoo, I wish I wish I was going to be there.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

What a doll! There are few things cuter than watching a toddler dance, I tell ya.

We have never gone to Chuck E Cheese, but I think it is inevitable. Avery would be right up there groovin' with KK, no doubt.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Something about kids and Chuckie Cheese--they just love it! Looks like she had a great time!


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