Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthdays!

Today is Grandpa K's birthday - happy birthday Grandpa!
Tomorrow is Uncle Rod's birthday - happy birthday Uncle Rod!
Two weeks ago was Auntie Sunshine's birthday - happy birthday Auntie Sunshine! (Shame on me for not posting a happy birthday message earlier, shame, shame shame!) We love you all very much!

Today was the last day of KK's farm class - pony ride day! She dedicated her pony ride to Grandpa in honor of his birthday. She talked about it all day, telling everyone about "Rosie", the itty bitty pony she got to ride. Rosie was the tiniest pony on the farm, but she was also the fastest. She really wanted to run, and it was a challenge to keep her on pace and hold on to KK at the same time. They were a very cute team!
This picture makes me laugh....I think the kids look like little black helmeted storm troopers.
The final part of the class was making a little scrapbook with photos taken by the farm staff. It turned out really cute - here is a page: We'll definitely take the class again next year!


At 2:25 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Ahhhh, Grandpa is so proud of his little Farm Girl!!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter. Love the photo with Rosie and those big helmets on little tiny bodies always crack me up. Glad you guys had fun.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Oh that looks like SOO much fun!! I can't wait to get Zack on a horse!!


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