Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 2008

It's 8:15pm and I just put my sick little KK down for the night. Well, probably not the whole night considering she has a 102 temp AFTER fever reducing meds. Daddy was in bed at 6:30, also not feeling well. KK and I laid on the couch all day today - minus the hour I ran into work and Daddy was home while she napped in her bed. We watched Nemo, Cinderella, Aladdin, a few episodes of MM Clubhouse, and two DVD's of Thomas. At 7:30 she looked at me with her flushed face and watery eyes and said "Go night night?" I guess I'll start a grown-up movie and go check on her every 15 minutes...This isn't the way we planned to start the new year, but we are all home safe and (mostly) sound. I'll take that with no complaints.

I'm never particularly sad to see the holidays go - the Christmas tree and all the decorations were down and put away by noon the day after Christmas. I don't dislike the Christmas season - it just gets heavy for lots of reasons. The only thing I truly do miss is the Christmas cards...seeing the faces and names of loved ones come in the mail each day. Our fridge gets covered with photos, a basket fills with cards, and I am reminded of how blessed we are to have so many amazing people in our lives. But the photos and cards were put away today, too. Time for a new year to begin! We have lots of good things planned already - here's to 2008! Happy New Year!!!


At 10:19 PM, Blogger me said...

Poor sweetie, I hope KK feels much better in the morning. It's nice that you can all be home together. Here's to a Happy 2008! Love you!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Let's hope for a peaceful, healthy and fun New Year. Love you guys!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

You are so right--I just love getting Xmas cards in the mail. I look forward to them each year!


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