Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Our little celebrity

What could be a better birthday gift than having your baby perform in her first musical event?!? I say nothing! This past Sunday, KK's music school held a fundraising concert and reception. She sang two songs - one with the baby group because they only expected two other babies and needed more bodies (I also serve on the board of directors, so was an easy and willing target) and one with her own age group. Isn't the little guy on the left in this first picture just adorable?!?!

Can you see KK, way in the back/center? She didn't really sing or even shake her bell - she was too busy yelling "HI!!!" and waving at her friend on the other side of the stage - the girl in the purple shirt in the back row on the far left. After the concert, a jazz ensemble performed and KK danced her little heart out. We had several family and friends come and support KK which we appreciated sooo very much. It was a very special 8th anniversary of my 29th birthday! Great job, KK, we are so proud of you! xoxox


At 7:05 PM, Blogger me said...

Looks like fun! KK looks like she had a great time. I think she & Noah would be fast buddies - he always claps and yells "Yaaaaaaay!" after each song at church....


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