Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, December 01, 2007


We made our annual trip to see Santa today! It's been our tradition to visit Santa at the same place where Daddy and his brothers went when they were little. KK's cousin C, his family, and Grandma M also go with us and we always have a nice time strolling in the little Victorian village where Santa lives. We go early in the season, and this location is way off the beaten path, so there are very few people and we can have as much time with Santa as we want (poor guy). KK was very tired from the drive to Santa's shop, so she just sat on his lap in a daze - no smiles, no excitement. C was also a little shy, but they both mustered enough energy for some knuckles and high fives... It finally feels like 'tis the season. Now if only I could muster enough energy to get the Thanksgiving decorations down and some Christmas ones up...


At 9:19 PM, Blogger me said...

Cute! What a fun tradition - sounds like a neat little place. KK looks adorable. :)


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