Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kinda quiet...

I am a fan of kids music. I love listening to kids songs in the car, and of course KK loves it too. But I've taken a little detour this week, and someone is not happy about it. For the past two days, KK has fought against getting into her carseat with desperate cries of "No! No Bon Jovi!!! No Mama, no!" She used to beg me to sing to her in the car, now she says "Mama. Don't sing!!!" I guess I don't have a rock and roll voice. Heh heh. (Auntie Sunshine DOES have rock and roll hair, though! So cool!) Anyway, I think I've had my JBJ fix for awhile so we'll go back to Old MacDonald on our next car ride.

I started a new job this week. It's with the same company, just in one of the business departments. I started working at this company because I could be with KK all the time. Now, well..."all the time" is more than we both can handle. I totally love it! I even get to dress up, which I haven't had to do for work in about seven years. And the coolest thing (besides the almost free childcare)? Someone in the office was playing Motley Crue all morning! I think I'm going to be very happy with the change.

Other than the new job, not much else is going on. It's just been kinda quiet around here, which is perfectly fine by me. Thanks for checking in. : )


At 6:08 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Too funny! KK and Jboy would totally gang up on you...he HATES Bon Jovi. Something to do with SNL, I think.
I was listening to Billie Holiday the other day and Macaroni said "Will you turn off the old people music already?!?!?" So much for me being rock and roll.

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I can't believe she doesn't like JBJ? That just ain't right!

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm finally catching up on KK's page......sorry to say that Noah would prefer not to listen to Jon either, although I do have to commend him on his good taste in requesting The Beatles - even if we do have to listen to Yellow Submarine repeatedly. :) Congrats on the new job! Even though it's tiring, it's kind of nice getting out into the world of the grown-ups for awhile each day.

ShaLisa :)


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