Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

!Viva Mets-ta-toe!

We just returned from a much-needed long vacation in the Caribbean. ***Ahhhhh***

We chose a beautiful resort in Puerto Morelos, Mexico (or "Mets-ta-toe as KK calls it) that had a Kids Club for children under 4. The three of us spent each morning together on the beach, building sandcastles, eating sand, and "swimming in the ocean with Bruce the Shark!" The last two days, I got up early to watch the sunrise and reserved a palapa bed next to the pool with a great view of the ocean. We all loved lounging around reading our books and doing nothing.

In the afternoons, KK went to the Kids Club to play and take a nap. She just loved it!!! (And so did we!!!!!!!) KK instantly became attached to Adriana, the caregiver in the Kids Club. As soon as she woke up each day, she'd say "I want to see Adriana!" It was all we could do to keep her with us until lunch time - she just wanted to go to the club and play and sleep in her big comfy princess bed.

KK was also captivated by the dancers that put on cheesy resort-style entertainment each night. She and I both loved it, and Daddy actually thought it was okay too. KK was able to dance up on the stage each night before the show, which she thought was heaven. We tried to leave one night during intermission, but she completely flipped out and screamed and cried "I NEEEEEED THE DANCERS!!!" so we let her stay up late to see the shows. She was definitely tired by the time we got back to our room!

Daddy and I were able to sneak away for two snorkeling trips provided by the resort. These were the best snorkeling trips I've ever been on - we saw a big Eagle Ray, a way-larger-than-I-needed-to-see Barracuda, and lots of pretty fish and coral. We also took two evening trips into the town of Puerto Morelos to get a taste of the local life. It was a great vacation, and since we haven't been on vacation since our honeymoon over four years ago, it was especially relaxing.

The funniest part of the trip was our transportation to the airport. We paid for private transfers, and were brought to the resort in a little Saturn which was perfectly fine. The way back to the airport? A stretch limo. Yeah. It was pretty funny since we weren't expecting it at all - but it was certainly a nice way to end the trip. It was good to go away...and it's good to be home. : )


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

That looks amazing. Almost makes me wish I was going somewhere warm instead of Europe. Although "uncle Ewan" should certainly heat things up.

Glad you had such an great trip.

And of course she picked the princess bed!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Beautiful!!! What a wonderful escape from the cold winter weather! It sounds like you had lots of fun in the sun. The way KK says "Mexico" is so sweet!

At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like you all had such a great time and what a wonderful way to showcase the trip! The scenery is just so beautiful and you all looked great as well! Hope to see you soon and hear more about your get-away!


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