Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A loooong, but fun, day

Today started bright and 3:00am. KK decided it was time to wake up, probably at the urging of those mean molars. Unfortunately, she never really went back to sleep. She catnapped for a few minutes on my chest, but when I moved to put her back in her crib she did a little push-up off of me and started dancing to the piano music we were listening to! Maybe Ellen DeGeneres would have thought that was fun, but I was not in the mood for dancing. We settled for watching Baby Einstein over, and over, and over, and over...

We had plans to go to a children's museum with KK's good friend and his Mommy this morning. Since KK showed no interest in going back to sleep, we went ahead with those plans. I'm so glad we did! Even tired and cranky, KK did pretty well and we had a nice time. She wasn't her usual happy self, but it could have been worse. Her little friend was adorable, as always! They got to play on a pirate ship, watch an electric train, play musical instruments, dress up as lions, and more! Then we went out for lunch - always a fun thing to do!

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After lunch, we headed home and of course KK finally fell asleep in the car. Since it was a beautiful day, I found a nice shady place to park the car so KK could sleep and I could re-review the ballot issues before I went to vote. This was the view from the car - very relaxing. We met Daddy at the voting location, and thank goodness he was there with us! I would not have been able to vote if I didn't have help while waiting in line. Someone was NOT a happy girl. She stared to cry pretty uncontrollably and I felt terrible because everyone in line was so quiet. Finally I blurted "I know honey, we all feel the same way you do right now, you're just the only one expressing it." Everyone in line cracked up. It lightened the mood, and I think everyone forgave us. I've learned my lesson though - next time I'm voting early or absentee!!!

Tonight after I put KK to bed, I went to see "Marie Antoinette" with a girlfriend and Daddy stayed home. The movie was good, and the costumes were fabulous! It ended the day nicely.

Tomorrow is going to be wonderful....GRANDMA K is on her way! Yay! : )


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