Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Home from home

We're back from our wonderful trip to Minnesota. Thank you for guest blogging for us, Auntie Sunshine!

The week went by way too fast and it was very hard to leave. I never get to spend as much time with people as I want to, and I always miss seeing some people altogether. I'm looking forward to going back again!

We arrived on Wednesday and got settled in. Uncle Rod and Auntie Shawna came over and we just hung out. On Thursday we went with Auntie Sunshine to visit Heather and her precious brand new baby boy. (Can we say baby fever??? Oh, he was sooo cute!!!) On Friday we hung out with Grandpa, went to meet Grandma's hairstylist, and then later that night Auntie Sunshine and I went to see a movie.

On Saturday KK went to the FARM! She met some relatives and got to play with her third-cousin who is only a couple of years older than her. She also got to see guinea hens, chickens, sheep, bunnies, pigs, horses, cows, and wild deer. She even went for a ride on Trigger, a very big Appaloosa! There was a kitty cat who followed KK around everywhere, but there were so many other animals to see that she hardly noticed the kitty at all. The pigs decided to eat KK's mittens off which I did not appreciate, but KK thought it was hilarious so I got over it. Here are some fun farm pictures.
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Here is another picture that I love: The house at the end of the road was built by KK's great-great-grandfather in 1904. Her great-grandfather took over the farm several years later, and now it belongs to her great-uncle. Her grandfather (my Dad) was born in that house. The farm is a very special place, and I have so many memories of time spent there. Hopefully KK will grow up with many memories from the farm too!

The rest of the week included more time with family and friends, going to church, watching "Polka Hour" with Grandpa, admiring/playing with/destroying Grandma's Christmas decorations, playing with Uncle Rod (getting scared and running away after he'd pop out from under a blanket), playing on a red rocking chair that I used when I was little, a visit to the Mall of America, and a trip to Macy's in downtown Minneapolis to see the annual animated display and Santa. It was a great week!
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At 1:44 PM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Wow, great photos! I especially like the one of KK walking up the lane. My grandparents were farmers so I have many happy memories of the country. KK is lucky she can have those experiences too!

Maybe next time you come to Minnesota we can get the girls together. We aren't too far away and have several friends in the Twin Cities.


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